Friday, January 4, 2013

Get a Life before Life Gets You

It's so easy to get caught up in the "woulda, coulda, shoulda" mentality and have nothing to show for it. I know I am tired of being weighed down by life and only dreaming of what I can do, instead of just doing it. 

2013 is here, so let's take each day to get closer to making our dreams a reality. Write down what you want to see happen in 2013, and find a way to make it happen. At least that's what I will do. I have a life and I will not allow life to get me anymore. Get me how, you ask? Get me in fear, loss of focus, negative thoughts, and anything else that would keep me from pursuing my dreams. I want to always keep moving forward. Even if I make mistakes, the point is to keep moving and be better. 

It's time to be inspired to do great things this year. Not because of a resolution, but an opportunity to see how impactful my life can be for me and for others. It doesn't have to be a big idea, but just small things that eventually will lead to big things. I am excited to see what each day will bring. 

Will you do it too? I encourage you to embrace the idea, and go get a life!