I was telling my mom the other day that there's a possibility that I may not be able to have lunch with her because there's a spot open for me to attend a special luncheon, so I will call her and let her know.
As I waited for a response, my boss says to me "let's go, I'm sure the spot will become available." He convinced me to go along with his proposal since I knew, he knew people. I text my mom to let her know that I am attending the luncheon. When I got back to work, I called her to see if she received my text because I saw a missed call from her. She told me she did, but she was calling me for something else. As I was relaying the story to her about the luncheon and it being a possibility, her response to me was "I expected you to be at that luncheon because you possibility is always a reality." When those words hit my ears, I realize how true in life that is. When we believe and speak the possibility, it does become a reality. In this case, my boss spoke my possibility of attending that luncheon, but I believed him, that's why I went. From this day forward, this is my quote:
"When I speak my possibility it becomes my reality." ~ Melinda J.
Has any of your possibilities ever turned into a reality? I would love to hear from you.
"Be Inspired" simply means walking in the divine and appointed purpose God has set for your life.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
Have You Smiled Today?
There are so many grumpy people in the world, walking around in depression, frustrations, and worries. Sometimes all they need is a smile to let them know that the things in their lives can and will change. So have you smile today? You never know whose blues you just chased away.
Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Thought for the Day - Be Who You Are
Be what you speak, and speak who you are. It affects how your environment responds to you.
~ Melinda J.
Any thoughts?
~ Melinda J.
Any thoughts?
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Look Within!
It's not always easy to know who we are, where we are going, and what we are going to do in life. However, there's something inside of us that's always longing to find out these answers. May this haiku encourage you to find your purpose. Enjoy!
Hidden deep within
Lay the passion of my soul
I’ve found my purpose.
Hidden deep within
Lay the passion of my soul
I’ve found my purpose.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Don't Abort Your Dreams
I too am guilty of falling into the trap of the excuses such as "I will accomplish this dream later, it will take too long, I am not good enough, they won't like it, and so on and so on." I have come to realize that it all starts with me, and I must not be afraid of the greatness that's inside of me. I am the only one that can make my dreams become a reality. God has already given you and I the power to make our dreams happen, and to become wealthy with the gifts and talents we possess within.
I encourage you today to take control of your life. Don't allow everything about you, or that belongs to you to die. There's Greatness in you. Accept it and walk in it.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Looking for a Sign - Haiku
Outside my window,
I look at the clouds with hope
For a brighter day.
Sometimes life can throw us a curb ball and we're not sure how and where the ball will land. Thank God that He's always there to show us the way and give us the strength to make each day. Don't give up, things will get better.
Your comments are welcome.
I look at the clouds with hope
For a brighter day.
Sometimes life can throw us a curb ball and we're not sure how and where the ball will land. Thank God that He's always there to show us the way and give us the strength to make each day. Don't give up, things will get better.
Your comments are welcome.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Haiku - Great Possibilities
I looked at the sky
And saw the future being
created today.
What is the Haiku saying to you? I hope you are inspired. Please share your thoughts.
And saw the future being
created today.
What is the Haiku saying to you? I hope you are inspired. Please share your thoughts.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Doing Small Things Great
It’s not always easy to know how we can make a difference in the world around us. We always want to do great things, but what about the small things that would still impact the lives of others?
Share your thoughts if you wish by leaving a comment.
Share your thoughts if you wish by leaving a comment.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Celebrating My Day
I thank my family for making me feel so loved and special today!
I am loving me inside out!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Time Killers: Learn How to Get a Grip on Time
Life can become so overwhelming; especially, when there are so many things to get done. Plus, the time to do those many tasks get lost in the shuffle. Many believe their busy schedule is the culprit for not having enough time to get things completed, but in actuality it's their time management that needs to be addressed and mastered. Some of the things that keep most from managing time well are putting off tasks, trying to do too many things at once, and not being able to decipher between what needs to be done now versus what can be put off for a later time.
As a working mom, keeping up with deadlines had become burdensome because I did not organize my time wisely. Through the years, I realized that I needed to get rid of the clutter in my mind before I could manage my time effectively. One day, a light bulb went off in my head when the answer to what was hurting me stared me right in the face. It was something I discovered that I now call "time killers." These time killers were holding me back, keeping me from accomplishing tasks, and fulfilling my goals. I knew it was time to get rid of them, and that I did. Today, I can say I have a better grip on time management and I am doing more with my time. Sometimes I have relapses; however, any time killer that tries to raise its ugly head, I nip in the bud. The biggest ones that I have found are listed below. If you want to start effectively managing your time today, I would suggest getting rid of the following time killers out of your life.
Time Killers
"I will do it tomorrow." I will do it later." "I have time." These are the lies most people say out loud or in their minds to convince themselves that they will have time to accomplish their tasks and achieve their goals. Wake up! Procrastination will delay your dreams, your goals, and everything else you set out to accomplish in your life. Do not put off your tasks for tomorrow, because tomorrow is not promise to you. "The time is now" is what you must keep telling yourself, and don't let procrastination kill your time anymore.
"I am tired." "I don't feel like doing anything." These lazy thoughts and feelings will come, but it must not be entertained. There is a reason why you feel lazy. Pay attention to your actions, and evaluate your thoughts and emotions. Don't be afraid to observe and confront why you put things off, and make excuses for not accomplishing a task. This is the only you will be able to destroy time killers. In the end, you will find out what was blocking you from possessing effective time management.
Self Entertainment
Everyone like to have fun and be entertained, but there's a time and a place for everything. Don't waste needless time watching T.V, playing various types of games, surfing on the internet, talking/texting on the phone, and whatever else that keeps you from accomplishing your tasks or projects. They are time wasters, which eats up your energy and the time you could have used to do things that needed to be done right-away. You will get ahead quicker if you just put in the time now.
I believe all time killers are manifested when something is going on mentally and emotionally on the inside of a person. You must know what it is so it can be addressed. The goal is to move forward and be more productive in your daily life. I believe you can and I believe you will. Start changing the way you think today, so you can effectively manage your time tomorrow.
As a working mom, keeping up with deadlines had become burdensome because I did not organize my time wisely. Through the years, I realized that I needed to get rid of the clutter in my mind before I could manage my time effectively. One day, a light bulb went off in my head when the answer to what was hurting me stared me right in the face. It was something I discovered that I now call "time killers." These time killers were holding me back, keeping me from accomplishing tasks, and fulfilling my goals. I knew it was time to get rid of them, and that I did. Today, I can say I have a better grip on time management and I am doing more with my time. Sometimes I have relapses; however, any time killer that tries to raise its ugly head, I nip in the bud. The biggest ones that I have found are listed below. If you want to start effectively managing your time today, I would suggest getting rid of the following time killers out of your life.
Time Killers
"I will do it tomorrow." I will do it later." "I have time." These are the lies most people say out loud or in their minds to convince themselves that they will have time to accomplish their tasks and achieve their goals. Wake up! Procrastination will delay your dreams, your goals, and everything else you set out to accomplish in your life. Do not put off your tasks for tomorrow, because tomorrow is not promise to you. "The time is now" is what you must keep telling yourself, and don't let procrastination kill your time anymore.
"I am tired." "I don't feel like doing anything." These lazy thoughts and feelings will come, but it must not be entertained. There is a reason why you feel lazy. Pay attention to your actions, and evaluate your thoughts and emotions. Don't be afraid to observe and confront why you put things off, and make excuses for not accomplishing a task. This is the only you will be able to destroy time killers. In the end, you will find out what was blocking you from possessing effective time management.
Self Entertainment
Everyone like to have fun and be entertained, but there's a time and a place for everything. Don't waste needless time watching T.V, playing various types of games, surfing on the internet, talking/texting on the phone, and whatever else that keeps you from accomplishing your tasks or projects. They are time wasters, which eats up your energy and the time you could have used to do things that needed to be done right-away. You will get ahead quicker if you just put in the time now.
I believe all time killers are manifested when something is going on mentally and emotionally on the inside of a person. You must know what it is so it can be addressed. The goal is to move forward and be more productive in your daily life. I believe you can and I believe you will. Start changing the way you think today, so you can effectively manage your time tomorrow.
Monday, February 14, 2011
He Loves Me
I thought I would share a poem with you. Since today is Valentine's Day, I dedicate this poem to my wonderful husband.
I see it in his eyes.
I see it in his smile.
I see it when he holds me tight,
With such a beautiful delight.
I feel it when he’s playful.
I feel it when he’s bashful.
I feel it when he surprises me
With special gifts that’s thoughtful.
His actions prove he loves me.
His actions prove he cares.
His actions go beyond just words
And that’s what I hold dear.
I see it in his eyes.
I see it in his smile.
I see it when he holds me tight,
With such a beautiful delight.
I feel it when he’s playful.
I feel it when he’s bashful.
I feel it when he surprises me
With special gifts that’s thoughtful.
His actions prove he loves me.
His actions prove he cares.
His actions go beyond just words
And that’s what I hold dear.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Thought for the Day - Watch Your Step
Whether good or bad, the mark we leave today will be influential tomorrow. Watch your step.
~ Melinda J
You may share your thoughts on this quote by leaving a comment.
~ Melinda J

You may share your thoughts on this quote by leaving a comment.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Have You Stop to Enjoy Life Today?
Life can be so busy for us, and stopping to enjoy it doesn't seem to be on our lists of things to do. We work hard day in and day out, but we must learn to enjoy the fruits of our labor. We must make time to reflect and look at nature all around us. It gives a great feeling of existence and purpose. It helps to put things into perspective and to enjoy our lives here on earth.
I wrote a few Haikus on flowers. Flowers have such beauty and essence. It makes me feel so good inside. I thought I would share some with you. Enjoy!
Red Rose - Haiku
The mark of a red rose
Given to say “I love you”.
A touching moment.
The Jasmine Flower - Haiku
The scent of Jasmine
Fills the air with elegance.
A delightful treat.
Daisies - Haiku
Beautiful daisies
Opens its eyes to the dawn
A breathtaking view
Friday, January 14, 2011
Why Don't I Have Enough Time?
Life can become so overwhelming; especially, when there are so many things to get done. Plus, the time to do those many tasks get lost in the shuffle. Many believe their busy schedule is the culprit for not having
enough time to get things completed, but in actuality it's their time management that needs to be addressed and mastered. Some of the things that keep most from managing time well are putting off tasks, trying to do too many things at once, and not being able to decipher between what needs to be done now versus what can be put off for a later time.
As a working mom, keeping up with deadlines can become burdensome if I do not organize my time. However, through the years I have come to realize that I needed to get rid of the clutter in my mind before I could manage my time effectively. One day, a light bulb went off in my head when the answer to what was hurting me stared me right in the face. It was something I discovered that I now call "time killers." It's amazing how getting rid of them have changed my life. I will talk about it another post.
Share your thoughts on the things that have held you back from getting things done in a timely manner.
enough time to get things completed, but in actuality it's their time management that needs to be addressed and mastered. Some of the things that keep most from managing time well are putting off tasks, trying to do too many things at once, and not being able to decipher between what needs to be done now versus what can be put off for a later time.
As a working mom, keeping up with deadlines can become burdensome if I do not organize my time. However, through the years I have come to realize that I needed to get rid of the clutter in my mind before I could manage my time effectively. One day, a light bulb went off in my head when the answer to what was hurting me stared me right in the face. It was something I discovered that I now call "time killers." It's amazing how getting rid of them have changed my life. I will talk about it another post.
Share your thoughts on the things that have held you back from getting things done in a timely manner.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
It's a New Year!
It's been awhile since I have posted anything on the blog. I've been busy, then sick, and now I am feeling better. So what's your plan for the new year? I don't have any resolutions, but I am looking forward to things picking up financially for me while I get out of debt. My goal is to publish a poetry book this year. Let's see where that takes me. I have two inspirational Haikus below that will inspire you to go after your dreams for 2011. Enjoy!
A New Beginning in a New Year - Haiku
Forgetting the Past
Taking all in the present
The future is bright
Written in the Pages of Time - Haiku
Driven by purpose
You can be what was written
Listen to His voice.
Leave me a comment and let me know what you think. Happy New Years to you and your family!
A New Beginning in a New Year - Haiku
Forgetting the Past
Taking all in the present
The future is bright
Written in the Pages of Time - Haiku
Driven by purpose
You can be what was written
Listen to His voice.
Leave me a comment and let me know what you think. Happy New Years to you and your family!
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