Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Self Discovery

Discovering who you are and whose you are is important when fulfilling God's purpose in your life. You are special and unique. There's greatness in you, and God has place all the gifts and talents in you to do awesome things on this earth. Don't give up, but keep moving towards the passion and purpose God has placed inside you to accomplish. May you have a purposeful and blessed day.

Read a Haiku on Self Discovery

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Friends for Life

Finding the right friend can be quite challenging, but when you find a true friend, it's like finding a hidden treasure.

Read poem here.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thought for the Day

Another man's success is not mines. I must walk my own journey and create my own destiny.

Inspirational Readings:

Let It Flow

Make an Imprint Today!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Inspirationally Yours

Be inspired today by looking at the world differently and start doing small things great.

Deeply in Love
Like Love overflow
Water springs out of control
Refreshes the soul

Catch the Vision
Glorious insight
The beautiful sky painted
Beyond the naked eye